A New Forest Grows at BVSC

On Saturday April 28th, BVSC held ITs Spring Beautification/Tree Planting.

Skeet Sutherland, Certified sustainable forest management planner, started the brisk morning off by sharing some lessons in sustainable forestry. Skeet will be conducting a Sustainable Forest Management Plan for the club, and thus the plantings that our beautification team did are a part of a bigger picture and greater plan.  This plan will include both planting and thinning days.  It will include transplanting and and re-designing landscapes.  All in the name of continuing to operate a successful ski club while contributing to a sustainable future through our land-use management.  The team of 20 members, staff, and volunteers planted in total more than 100 trees! And they didn’t just plant them; they dug the holes, spread the mulch, watered each one, and flagged it with care.  Better yet, we’re not just growing another evergreen patch, bare of diversity.  Under Skeet’s expertise, the group planted a variety of native species: Sumac, Red Oak, Nannyberry, White Birch, Red Oiser Dogwood, and Black Walnut. They were planted in a spot that had been identified by operations and Skeet as a significant space in need of trees, and they were planted with a “habitat” approach (promoting habitat for the other “residents” of Beaver Valley).

The morning warmed up and when the work was done, it ended with the traditional Beautification BBQ.  Thanks to everyone for getting your hands dirty, we hope you enjoyed the morning and look forward to seeing you at the fall Beautification Day – details TBA.